CrossTimbers History
Meanwhile, with a gift from Hobby Lobby, the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma was able to purchase an Assembly of God camp located just down the hill from Falls Creek, in Davis, Oklahoma. Falls Creek is another BGCO owned and operated conference center, so the intentions were to centralize their camping ministries by moving CrossTimbers to Davis. The first summer session in Davis was held in 2013.
CrossTimbers Today
Although it’s original intentions were to serve children during the summer months, the Lord continues to bless the ministry of CrossTimbers, expanding it to year-round capabilities. CrossTimbers has a sister site called Falls Creek, and together they make up the BGCO Conference Centers. The Conference Centers are more than just a place for young people in the summer, but year-round state-of-the-art facilities that are able to accommodate a variety of events throughout the entire year.
Take Exit 51 off Interstate 35. You will see the Fried Pies store at this exit. Turn southwest (towards Turner Falls) and travel about a mile. CrossTimbers will be located on the south side of Hwy 77. If you get to Turner Falls, you’ve gone too far!
See you soon!